Chasing the Moment: Talking with Steven Gonzalez, Founder of Blackflash Photography

Blackflash Photography

Some cultures used to think that a photo was perilous, as it risked capturing the soul of its subject. Now, we don’t know what we think about that, but if it were true, here’s what it would capture about Steven Gonzalez: passionate, entrepreneur, dedicated traveler and artist.

Steven Gonzalez is a photographer and travel addict who’s been using his social media to document his journey (both physically, and creatively). One of the first things that strike you about his demeanor is how accepting he is of everything that’s happened to him. When asked what he’d do differently, given the chance, he says ‘nothing’.

“You need to go through hardship, mistakes, ups and downs in order to understand the ins and outs of how everything works, I’m happy where I am now with my art and doing what I love so I can’t complain.”

Steven Gonzalez clearly has some idea about how to use his social media to his advantage. Not only is his personal account growing by the day, but he’s also pouring his efforts into the new founded @blackflashphotos.eth.

The idea behind Blackflash, in the creator’s own words, is “creatives supporting other creatives, so we stay active on engaging with others to promote or inspire one another ”. One thing that immediately stands out about Steven is his intense passion for learning, and growing his art. One of his goals with Blackflash is to delve deeper into the world of web3 and NFTs. He’s constantly on the lookout for ways to grow as an artist, as well as give back, and help fellow artists.

He’s also hoping to develop Blackflash into a thriving art community, and even start his own art magazine. Because so much goes into giving back, and there’s so much to be reaped from helping out other people. And Steven Gonzalez seems to be one of the lucky people who’ve understood that early on in their journey, and are pouring that attitude into their art.

Photo Credit: Steven Gonzalez

Of course, photography is by no means an easy industry, and when we asked Steve about that, here’s what he had to say: 

“Some might say it’s a tough industry and very competitive & they’re not wrong. But with that being said, it shouldn’t stop you or discourage you from getting in tune with your creative side. Do what makes you happy.”

Which is clearly what Steven himself seems to be doing. One artist Steven credits with helping Blackflash grow is DRKT, LLC @drktstudios, whom he speaks of highly, and thanks for opening up so many opportunities.

In the future, Steven’s planning to develop Blackflash into the blossoming creative community of his dreams, while continuing his travels through the world. When asked for a word of advice he would give to young artists, just starting out in the photography industry today, Steven spoke plainly. And as always, straight from the heart.

“Get a camera and shoot things/people that make you happy and comfortable, don’t chase $$$, chase moments.”


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