Yulia Kravtsova is one of those indomitable people who’s got several things going for her all at once. Living in the United States, though originally from Ukraine, Yulia has been a Social Media Marketing Specialist for the past four years. And one way or another, social media is profoundly at the core of everything she does.
“I never have a day off; I can lie on the beach, but I must be with my phone or laptop. To some it seems like a nightmare, but I love it and devote myself to this work because I like it.”

But of course, a Social Media Marketing Specialist is only one of the several hats donned by this wonderfully talented young woman. Yulia is also a model, working with various online sportswear stores. In her native Ukraine, she worked with Lotto Sport and Babolat, and now, in the U.S, Yulia is currently taking collaborations.

Yulia is a driven, and highly passionate young woman. She’s also very active, having practiced dance and drums for the last five years. She is also an avid reader, and loves writing poems. In her spare time, she likes to relax by turning up the volume on some of her current favorites, which include artists like George Michael, KOLA, 50 Cent, Kalush Orchestra & The Rasmus, and of course, the all-time classic, Elvis Presley.
Having celebrated some impressive achievements in her career, Yulia counts her journey towards self-acceptance and love as her biggest success.
“Before, I often did not like myself, went on diets or vice versa. Now I say to myself “Yulia, I love you” every morning. I advise everyone to do it.”
Now, like anyone who’s faced this battle, Yulia’s journey hasn’t always been easy. Assailed by doubt and insecurity, particularly in the early stages of her career, she looks back on those times with compassion and confidence.

“I was afraid to express myself and often held back my ideas. Because of this, I wasted a lot of time, now I don’t do that. Even if the idea turned out to be a failure, it does not upset me, because at least I tried.”
Although vastly more confident and bolder than in the beginning, Yulia has learned many valuable lessons down the years. She admits that now, she only expects the worst, because that way, you can only be impressed, but never disappointed.
She credits much of her confidence to her father, from whom Yulia admits she got her sense of style.
“I got a sense of style from my dad since childhood. Dad always dressed me in sports stores: Adidas, Puma, Nike, etc. I always felt stylish because I knew that dad would not let you down).”
Deeply devoted to her family, Yulia’s main focus in the near future is helping her relatives still living in war-ravaged Ukraine. On a more global level, she hopes to help and inspire other young women to follow their dreams and start working on that today.
“I would advise girls who are starting to work as models to never compare themselves with others, you are unique, unique and inimitable, all people are different, and it is normal if someone likes you and someone does not.”