Heidi Petersen, Model & M.S. Survivor: “Don’t Let Anything Hold You Back”

Heidi Petersen

Heidi Petersen was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) in 2015. Rapidly following her diagnosis, she watched all of her dreams and aspirations going downhill. What followed was a period of depression and profound uncertainty in this young woman’s life…

…from which, she emerged braver and stronger.

Photo Credit: Elle Gerais

“The last year has been a year of self-discovery for me. My focus has been self-care and self-love and doing this has opened my mind and I’m here embracing every moment that is given to me.”

Now, Heidi is a model, who is living the dream one day at a time. Having always dreamed of a modeling career, Heidi’s aspirations were put on temporary hiatus. As much because of her disease, as because of her own worries and fears. However, having come to grips with the idea that an MS diagnosis needs not be a life sentence, Heidi started shedding her inhibitions and fears, and pursued a career in modeling.

In her own words, once she made the conscious decision to move forward, life provided, and allowed for that to happen.

Photo Credit: Elle Gerais

“When considering modeling a year ago I worried about height, weight, and scars on my body. Now, those things don’t concern me. I believe there is somewhere in the industry that everyone can fit as long as they love themselves and have the confidence that is needed.”

Where she would not allow her MS to influence or hold her back from achieving her dream, Heidi sure wasn’t going to let fear do that. Rather, her determination allowed her to take that much needed first step. And all for the better. Having shed her insecurities and learned to love herself, Heidi now acts as an inspiration to other little girls who dream of the same modeling life. Her presence on the scene is signaling the clear message that nothing can hold you down, aside from your own fear and insecurity.

Heidi’s story is a powerful, and overwhelmingly positive message, of which we need more of, both in modeling, and in the world, at large.

Having always been a big lover of art and music (some of her current favorites include Eminem, Snoop Dogg, and Jay Z), her dream is to go forth in that world, and establish herself as an accomplished model. But her biggest dream is to be able to look back on the many challenges and setbacks posed by her MS and say, “I made it”.

Photo Credit: Elle Gerais

It’s a noble dream, one that this remarkably determined young woman is sure to achieve, sooner rather than later. To the world, Heidi Petersen is a model, a woman, an artist, and an inspiration. And to the people who wish they could do more, but are too afraid, she is a message-bearer. And that message is loud and simple:

“Don’t let anything hold you back from your dreams. Even if you’re dealing with physical challenges know what your limits are and practice self-care, you will be able to accomplish your goals.”


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