Ever since she was a little girl in a small town in Pennsylvania, Keyliz known as “Editionstyles” knew she didn’t want to take on a regular job like all the boring grown-ups around her. Rather, passionate about fashion and design from a very young age, she had her heart set on something to do with that, a world revolving around fashion and travel was the goal.
Now, years later, it’s safe to say that little girl achieved her goal, as a successful content creator. Using her social media to inspire, and to express her wonderful, innovative self, Keyliz is living the dream, in many ways. But the story wasn’t always this easy. As a young girl in a small narrow-minded town, Keyliz endured her fair share of bullying.

“Since I live in such a small hometown in Pennsylvania, many people are very closed minded. It’s not normal to see someone dress a certain way that’s considered “high fashion” or see someone take photos for the gram.”
From a very young age, this posed quite a challenge. On the one hand, Keyliz loved dressing up, and expressing herself through her unique outfits. On the other hand, they branded her as “different”, and thus a target for peers.

Still, every cloud has a silver lining, it’s said, and Keyliz ended up having the last laugh. Since her unusual sense of style meant she was somewhat ostracized from her school community, Keyliz had a lot of free time on her hands, growing up. Which she cleverly devoted to growing her brand and making friends on Instagram.
“Doing social media has taught me to be more confident and not care about what anyone says.”
From there, Keyliz watched her social media grow past her wildest imaginings. She ended up signing some dream collaborations, which she still counts as some of her proudest achievements to this day, and even attending a number of select New York Fashion Week events. Dreams certainly did come true for this small-town Pennsylvania girl.
Not only is Keyliz prospering in spite of the haters, but she’s also using her bullying story to raise awareness, and hopefully help kids in need.

“This topic is very emotional for me, I want to be able to let my viewers know that they’re not alone and that there’s so much to look forward to, that if they need a friend that I’m here.”
When she’s not working, she’s relaxing, blasting some oldies on her speakers, like The Kooks, Radiohead, and The Smashing Pumpkins.
She warns young upcoming influencers and content creators that, despite appearances, this is not an easy job. Developing a successful social media following means trial and error, consistency, as well as enduring some unpleasant situations.
“I’ve been to places where I’m treated horribly just for taking pictures.”

Still, Keyliz wouldn’t trade her profession for any other, and hopes to be doing this for a very long time to come. Her plans for the future include continuing to develop her brand, partnering with some of her favorite brands, and even some acting. And seeing what a wonderful, resilient young woman she is, we’ve no doubt she will.